Here’s Something Cool
I am proud to be one of the Islandport Press authors featured in the Summer 2017 issue of Islandport Magazine in their “Just One Question” column. I’m in good company, with fellow Islandport writers G.A. Morgan, Gerry Boyle, Dave O’Connor, Laura Freudig, and Hope Rowan. We were all asked, “Where is your favorite place to cool off in the summer?” I won’t give away my answer, but it involves a childhood friend, sprinklers, and an exquisitely timed comedy bit about the cloudless...
Read MoreCelebrating Books (and Sarah)
I just read that May 1-7 is Children’s Book Week, a celebration of children’s books and reading. And speaking of celebrating children’s books, the Maine Student Book Award is a collaboration among the Maine Library Association, the Maine Association of School Libraries, and Maine Literary Council. It encourages Maine kids in grades 4-8 to read and vote for their favorite books. This year, I’m proud to say that my friend Sarah L. Thomson made the list with her book The Eureka Key. Yay, Sarah!...
Read MoreSuggested Reading
My friend Annie O’Brien, a writer and illustrator of children’s books, has a middle grade novel coming out soon, and it’s a must-read. It’s a gripping story about one girl’s high-stakes jaunt through dangerous North Korea. As she struggles to survive in hostile territory, she grapples with questions of family, identity, politics, and privilege. An excerpt of the novel is now posted on Entertainment Weekly–take a...
Read MoreNinjas!
I’m feeling a little braggy today about my friend Sarah L. Thomson’s recently-published book, Deadly Flowers. It’s not just because she dedicated it to me and to our fellow writing group member, Anne Sibley O’Brien. It’s because it’s a really spectacular middle grade novel. I remember one time not too long ago, the three of us were having a conversation about middle grade books–I think maybe we were talking about what publishers are looking for. I can’t remember exactly. But I lamented,”Must we all write the same book?” This got a...
Read MoreThe Old Bait and Switchel
Due to an unexpected scheduling change, we’re having to cancel this afternoon’s Family Fun event at Vena’s. We’ll be rescheduling, so stay tuned!
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